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Posts in Travel
DAYS 32-34 & 49-51: KATHMANDU, NEPAL

My third world traveling experience consists of a few countries throughout Central and South Americas, as well as a couple in the Caribbean. And just recently, Thailand. Nepal, however, is on another level entirely. We spent five nights there in the capital city, Kathmandu, before and after our two-week trek. 

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DAYS 12 - 25: Bangkok, Thailand

After the Grand Canyon, we cashed in a few hotel points and spent a couple days regrouping in Sedona - sleeping in fluffy beds, spending afternoons by the pool, eating entire bags of halloween candy…it was lazy and gluttonous and absolutely fantastic.

After that we did a little climbing in New Mexico* and Brad took me to Santa Fe for my birthday. He treated me to this mind blowing Japanese spa*(a perk doing this type of thing in our 30s rather than our flat broke 20s), and patiently waited while I hunted for turquoise around the city plaza. Meanwhile, he seemed fine hunting for tamales.

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